Young Guns (1988)
Dir. Christopher Cain
Starring: Emilio Estevez, Kiefer Sutherland, Lou Diamond
Philips, Terence Stamp, Jack Palance
A retelling of the adventures of Billy the Kid (Estevez)
during the Lincoln County War staring a bunch of up and coming pretty boy
actors from the eighties.
The story of Billy the Kid, the Regulators, and the Lincoln
County War is a very interesting tale, so it makes sense that it has been
adapted and retold many times over the years. This loose retelling* features a
lot of the characters and events of the actual conflict, but changes somethings
up for dramatic effect. And like with My Darling Clementine, I will not fault a
movie for taking liberties in order to effectively tell a story. Narrative films are
based on storytelling, and if I wanted to experience what really happened, I
don’t think that an eighties action movie would be the best place to get the
real story.
But as it is Young Guns is a fun film. I am sure the
reasoning behind the movie was “put these handsome guys in a movie together
cause it’ll make some money”, but the final result is a pretty entertaining
film. It’s not a classic by any stretch, but it’s a fun way to fill an
afternoon. The movie does feel like most action films of the late eighties, but
at the same time it avoids looking cheap like most other films from that era
did. Most of that can be attributed to cinematographer Dean Semler, who had
previously shot The Road Warrior, one of the greatest films ever made, and Paul
Blart: Mall Cop 2, a film I hope to never see. The film is full of fun scenes,
and you do get the impression that the actors probably had fun making the film.
The ending action scene at the home of Alex McSween (Terry O’Quinn) is pretty
well done, and the film doesn’t lag due to bad pacing. It is also good in its
handling of the team 6 characters and the other side characters that populate
the film. Some characters get more screen time than others (it just makes sense
that Emilio Estevez’s Billy the Kid would be highlighted more than Casey
Siemaszko’s Charley Bowdre, he is the bigger star), but the film is good about
giving all the characters moments to shine to no one feels slighted, which is
an accomplishment that most films with less characters seem unable to achieve.
Watching this movie now made me think that Emilio Estevez is
a better, more natural actor than his brother. He does plays Billy the Kid as a
charismatic sociopath, charming at times, but relishing the moments where he
gets to kill someone while laughing with an enormous grin on his face. He is a
big part of why the movie works, and with a lesser actor in the role the film
would suffer. But it's interesting to see his scenes where he is arguing with
Dick, the character played by his brother. The scenes feel real in a way that
only could come from experience of dealing with someone for years. Charlie Sheen
isn't bad in the role, but his part is pretty thankless. He's mainly there as
the voice of reason against Estevez's Billy, and it's a role that is less showy
and blander. Terrance Stamp is great in his small role, elevating the material.
The same can be said about Jack Palance as the villain Lawrence Murphy, but his
biggest weakness is that he is off screen for most of the film while the
Regulators hunt down his men. When he is onscreen he's fun to watch, chewing
the scenery and making you wish that he was in the film more than he is.
Overall it is a fun movie. I don’t think that it will make anyone’s list
of favorites, but it’s a pretty decent late eighties action movie, and it’s got
some fun moments and enjoyable performances. It succeeds in telling a story
well and not being boring. Plus in a weird coincidence I happened to grab this movie off of a stack of things to watch days before the
anniversary of the birth of Billy the Kid (September 17, 1859). So that's kind of amusing to me, and it lead to me watching the sequel , and I will write up some rambling about that soon.
*Watching the movie and reading the Wikipedia page of the
Lincoln County War quickly shows how different the actual events where, and
this carries over to the sequel, which kills off characters that in reality
died of old age. Granted historian Paul Hutton said that “both movies had some
nice historical detail in them although they are of course, complete fiction”1.
**Granted I watched an old cheap dvd I found of it, and the
blu-ray is said to have one of the worst video transfers on the format. Avoid
that unless it gets a remaster (which is doubtful. Lionsgate owns it and they
doing seem to care about AV quality).
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